
Generate a report

Download a report

  1. Click on Download report.
  2. Select/unselect
  3. Modify report options (report type, report name).
  4. Click on Download

Note: The report name field is limited to 40 characters.

Note: By default, a pdf report is provided with graphs.

Note: The docx report is an editable format.

Tip: Your pdf report is tracked with a unique pdf number. Use this report for regulatory purpose. For reminder, reports are not stored in the application. Click on the “save as” button to save the downloaded report in the required folder.


Your report cannot be downloaded

For security reasons, the session is broken after 30 min of inactivity on the application and all results are lost. Reconnect to the application to reperform the study.

Verify that all character strings are compliant with the character set managed by the application. Our support at might be able to help. Please send the dataset with the related issue in txt or excel file.